Madison Patel

What non-academic experience at Wake Forest was most meaningful to you?
Probably when I was able to be on the Homecoming Court and go on the field during halftime. It was so amazing to be surrounded by so much love and deacon spirit. More than that, I was a pretty shy person for most of my life so this moment meant a lot to me because I was able to step out of my shell and do something I was scared of.
What song or songs will always remind you of your time at Wake Forest? Why?
Probably “Big on the Little Things” by Josh Kiser and “The Spins” by Mac Miller. I think experiencing Wake Forest to the fullest is really about taking time to appreciate the little things like the tree swings, an A on a test you studied so hard for, or just laying on the quad with friends after getting some Zick’s. I really cherish Mac Miller’s song because it brings up a lot of great memories with my friends. The song itself is also a reminder of the joy we all carry even in times of great hardship and sadness.
Wake Forest has lots of traditions, and sometimes students create their own. Do you have a favorite Wake Forest tradition?
My favorites are Wake’s Forest Birthday (Founders Day) and Hit the Bricks. Wake Forest’s birthday, Feb. 3, also happens to be my own birthday. I have fond memories of cake on the quad with the Traditions Council and listening to the chapel ring the happy birthday song. Hit the Bricks is very important to me as well since it supports cancer awareness and research. My father, grandmother, and aunt have all been afflicted with cancer.
What surprised you most about your Wake Forest experience?
I think what surprised me most was the people I’ve met. I’ve made some really close friends here who I will remain friends with for the rest of my life. They have taught me so much about trust, openness, life, and myself. They are never judgmental, and I feel like having them as my rock has helped me accomplish so much here at Wake inside and outside the classroom.
Who most impacted your Wake Forest experience?
It’s hard to say just one name. I have been fortunate to have made so many friends and be mentored by several faculty members. Some of these faculty members include Dr. Wanda Balzano, Dr. Jennifer Greiman, Dr. Joost Maier, and Dr. Kevin MacDonnell. Each of these individuals has been an incredible mentor who challenged me, cared for me, and believed in me.
Imagine you return to campus for your 10-year reunion. What do you hope will remain the same? What do you hope will be different?
I hope to see students continue to enjoy time outside amidst the magnolias on gorgeous Winston-Salem days, whether that be around the fire pits on Manchester Plaza, lounging on the quad, or eating lunch at picnic tables. So many of my favorite memories as a student have been spent outside, and my biggest hope for future students is that they will continue to appreciate the beauty that is Wake Forest’s Reynolda Campus. In terms of change, I hope that the environmental program includes more faculty, student opportunities, and a larger presence on campus. I would also love to see the university become more diverse and for conversations about difficult topics to be encouraged even more so than they are now.
Now that you are a graduating student, what advice do you wish you could have given yourself as an incoming student four years ago?
Don’t be afraid to try new things, even if you have to do it alone. I worked up the courage to step outside of my comfort zone and join two different organizations that ended up being my biggest source of community on campus in the spring of my freshman year, and most of my friends are people I made there. I would tell myself to prioritize stepping outside of my comfort zone more.