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“Dreams” by The Cranberries. I like listening to this song as I walk around campus as it reminds me that my own dreams are within reach and I can forge my future to be the best that it can possibly be.

I see Pro Humanitate everywhere I go on campus. All of the organizations I am in have some community service aspect, which I highly value as I am from Winston-Salem and appreciate seeing others help the city I so dearly love. As I move into my career, I want to give back to the public and educate people on history in an accessible way so people can better understand their own history and other’s history.

Lighting of the Quad. My Dad took me to one of these when I was little, and I was mesmerized by the light all around campus. I love going back every year and celebrating the holidays with my friends, drinking hot chocolate, and seeing everything light up.

I hope that my love for my experiences at Wake Forest will be the same and that I will be able to see a campus full of students enjoying their studies and working towards their highest potential. I hope in the future that I will hear less complaining on Wake Forest campus. I think sometimes we as students forget how lucky we are to be here and that we are transforming our lives for the better which only takes hard work. I need to remind myself of this sometimes as well.

I wish I could have told myself to slow down and that everything will fall into place as it should. I have constantly been worried about the future when I should have been enjoying my present.

My career plans did not completely change throughout my time at Wake, but they definitely evolved. I thought for a long time that I wanted to be a museum curator, but over time, I realized I either wanted to work in conservation or education. They have changed based on my amazing study abroad experiences and the jobs that I have held on campus that have introduced me to different departments in museums and careers.