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Manage Your Money: Part of being an adult professional out in the world is figuring out how to plan, how to budget, how to save, and how to spend smartly. Here are some tools to help you get started:

  • Improve your financial literacy with iGrad and CashCourse. Learn to manage your money with free online financial resources at your fingertips 24/7. Make informed financial decisions throughout your college years and into your professional life. Wake Forest students have access to iGrad using their WFU username and password. CashCourse is a free online resource for all on managing money and building financial literacy on topics such as earning, saving, borrowing, and spending including a budget wizard to track expenses.
  • Resources to Get Financially Fit. We have crowd-sourced our Wake Forest alumni network for their favorite money management and budgeting tools and resources available. Check them out to find the right tools for you!
  • For information on the gender pay gap, salary negation, and planning for retirement, see these resources from the AAUW and the Alliance for Lifetime Income.

Manage Your Time: One of the first challenges you may encounter as a young professional is how to manage your time effectively. The simple truth is this: we each only have 24 hours in any day, and you have to figure out how you will spend yours. Most of it will be spent at work and sleep. What will you do with the rest? Here are some resources to help you figure out how to budget your time effectively, set boundaries, and incorporate strategies to make your time work for you.

Manage Your Health and Wellbeing: No one can be successful on an empty tank. As you are building your career and your community Out of the Forest, be intentional about what you need to be healthy and well. Do you need to join a gym? Find a faith-based organization? Find doctors and counselors? Create space for reflection and meditation? As you are managing your time and your money, use this guide to make sure that you are making room for your health and wellbeing, too.