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The most fundamental change I’ve experienced is definitely becoming more disciplined and being better about staying organized. This is extremely important given Wake Forest’s nickname is “Work Forest.” So, you really have to learn how to manage your time when it comes to balancing your workload, personal hobbies, and social life. I found that this process just occurs naturally after your first semester/year since classes start getting harder, you’re involved in extracurriculars/clubs, and you find your group of friends.

Whenever I think of a non-academic experience at Wake Forest that is the most memorable my mind immediately jumps to when we beat Duke in basketball in the 2024 Spring semester. That day will forever live in my mind because it’s an amazing experience when you get a great turnout from students and the school spirit is there. I just remember screaming my lungs out along with everyone else and storming the court once the game was over. It was truly an amazing experience.

“I Walk This Earth All by Myself” by EKKSTACY will always remind me of my time at Wake Forest because it just has a very mellow and chill vibe which mainly reminds me of how beautiful campus is during the Fall. I’m also always listening to music while I skateboard to class as well so really any song in my indie playlist will do too.

Yes, it definitely had an experience on my student experience, specifically with pushing myself to be involved more on campus with things like philanthropy and helping those in need including friends, family, and the local community. It has also influenced my plans for the future simply because I want to give back to those who’ve helped me get where I am today. It also reminds me daily to be kind to others and treat everyone with the respect they deserve.

My favorite class outside of Computer Science was probably my First Year Seminar with Dr. Kirby-Straker because it was definitely the most unique class that I have taken at Wake Forest. It appealed to me a lot because the topic was on climate change, which is a topic that I constantly think about necause I’m from a beach town. The class’s final project required us to interview people from various organizations across the Caribbean and that alone really opened my eyes to the topic and allowed me to see the perspectives of those who are feeling the direct effects on a climate change.

To be honest, it’s equally tied between Hit The Bricks and Pitsgiving. I really like HTB because it really brings the entire campus community together on the quad for the purpose of raising money for cancer research and I know a lot of people, including myself, have been affected or lost a loved one to cancer, so it’s nice to see everyone united for a good cause. Pitsgiving is also up there just because I love food and they always have really good desserts, which I’m a fan of.

Honestly, what surprised me the most is how much I’ve enjoyed my time here. It has without a doubt been the most fun, stressful, and quick four years of my life. Yet, I enjoyed every second of it and I really wish I could experience it again. I, originally, didn’t want to go to a University and wanted to go to trade school like UTI because I was a big car guy in high school. Yet, here I am about to graduate and I’m very glad I decided to come here.

Dr. Nate French, who is the director of the Magnolia Scholars program. If it wasn’t for him, I probably wouldn’t be here. So, I’m thankful for him, and the program for allowing me the opportunity to attend a prestigious university. It’s truly a blessing and I will forever be grateful for this life changing opportunity.

Without a doubt, the most rewarding experience was having the opportunity to meet a bunch of new people and make a bunch of new friends throughout my 4 years.

I hope that a lot of the current Wake Forest traditions (such as HTB, Pitsgiving, etc.) remain the same. I would hope that Collins is finally renovated (even though I lived in Babcock); that the Computer Science Department is bigger; and that there’s a little more diversity among the student population.

I would’ve told myself to just put myself out there and leave my dorm room more often. I was more introverted than extroverted at the time and I didn’t like putting myself in uncomfortable situations. Yet, I slowly learned that you grow the most as a person when you’re outside of your comfort zone so I wish I realized/knew that sooner.

My plans did in fact change. I knew I wanted to major in Computer Science or Business but settled with CS. I thought I would just aim to get a job after graduation, but, that changed this year because I took a database management and data mining classes, which were really fun. So, I decided to apply to the MSBA program, got accepted, and enrolled in order to further enhance my technical and business skills. I would also be the first in my family to attend grad school and get a Masters, which is very exciting.