Emily Kate Jones

What non-academic experience at Wake Forest was most meaningful to you?
The fall semester during my junior year was an experience that was and still is very meaningful to me. I chose not to study abroad because I was studying for the Dental Admission Test, and though this decision was daunting at first, it resulted in me experiencing my favorite semester at Wake Forest. I was one of a few people in my sorority who did not go abroad, but I ended up meeting so many people, especially students outside of my grade who I am not sure I would have otherwise met. I ended up living with one of my best friends, and I was constantly surrounded by people who were always willing to say “yes” to trying new restaurants, going on fun hikes, having a baseball catch on the quad, and doing so many more fun and memorable things. I will forever value and treasure this semester during my time at Wake Forest!
What song or songs will always remind you of your time at Wake Forest? Why?
“Till Forever Falls Apart” will forever make me think of the time my friends and I stayed in a local hotel when the fertilizer plant in Winston-Salem caught on fire in 2022. We were scared and confused out of our minds, but we made the most out of this experience, and all came out of it better friends with even more hilarious stories to add to our lives.
What was your favorite class outside your major or minor areas of study and why did it appeal to you?
I really loved my RAD class with Tony!! I’ve never laughed so hard at myself and with some of my best friends as we all learned how to punch and kick a perpetrator if we were ever attacked. It was very fun, but also very educational and I value all the skills and life lessons we learned!
Wake Forest has lots of traditions, and sometimes students create their own. Do you have a favorite Wake Forest tradition?
Lovefeast. If I could change one thing, it would be attending it sooner — I’ve only actually been twice during my time at Wake Forest! Lovefeast is the perfect way to pause, reflect, and find peace before finals. The atmosphere is truly magical, and the beauty of the music, performed by Wake’s talented choir and musicians, is truly enough to bring tears to your eyes. I cannot recommend attending this enough!
What surprised you most about your Wake Forest experience?
The amount of different intramural sports that are offered. One of the first things I ever did on campus was play intramural kickball (our team won obviously) and I knew I was hooked on intramural sports after that. I played soccer and ran track in high school, but I wanted to branch out in college, naturally leading me to join indoor and outdoor co-ed intramural volleyball leagues. Our team suffered losses and injuries, but we left every game with smiles on our faces and bruises on our legs. 🙂
Compare your career plans as a first-year student with your career plans now. Why did your plans change or not change?
I was set on being a physical therapist and an HES major before freshman year began. Then I changed to being set on medical school. Then I decided I wanted to go to dental school. Then I changed my major to Biology. Then I changed my major to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Then 6 days later I changed my major back to Biology. Now here I am. It all worked out even when I was so confused and conflicted at the moment. Finding what I wanted to do really revolved around deciding what my passion was, and I’ve found during my time at Wake that my passion is helping and teaching people. That is why I decided on a Biology major with a minor in Schools, Education, and Society, both of which I know I will use during my career (hopefully) as a pediatric dentist. I am a pretty indecisive person if you can’t tell from all of that, but I know for sure now dentistry is where I am meant to be, and I’ll be calling Richmond, Virginia, home for the next four years while I attend VCU School of Dentistry!