Lillian Sutton

What song or songs will always remind you of your time at Wake Forest? Why?
Looking back on my time at Wake Forest, ABBA’s song Slipping Through My Fingers comes to mind. I feel all at once nostalgic and hopeful when I call back my memories of this place. As I listen to this song, I am reminded of the many Reynolda walks, Quad sits, Benson milkshakes, and moments in between. In many ways, I really do wish that I could freeze this picture.
What was your favorite class outside your major or minor areas of study and why did it appeal to you?
My favorite class that I have taken outside my major was certainly my first year seminar, Commencing Character with Dr. Michael Lamb. I was asked to learn about the tenets of Aristotle’s virtue ethics, apply them to the big question of what college is for, and then write my own speech to commence my time at Wake Forest.
Wake Forest has lots of traditions, and sometimes students create their own. Do you have a favorite Wake Forest tradition?
I love the tradition of Late Night Breakfast during winter finals week. There is something about eating bacon and eggs at 11 p.m. when you have an Orgo final looming over your head! That time with friends is priceless and is always a reminder to me during a stressful time in the semester of the important things in life.
What surprised you most about your Wake Forest experience?
I have been surprised at how much this place feels like home. I knew that college would be a time for exploration, personal growth, and academic pursuits. I didn’t know that this place would feel like where I belong, and that I would really make such a place for myself here.
Who most impacted your Wake Forest experience?
The most impactful aspect of my Wake Forest experience has surely been the people here. I have been lucky to have mentors on campus who have guided me through undergrad with nothing but a supportive spirit. Outside of formal mentors, the friendships I have built here are ones that I hope will last long beyond the confines of these 4 years. I really believe that the people make this place.
Now that you are a graduating student, what advice do you wish you could have given yourself as an incoming student four years ago?
Live the questions. Do not be afraid to sit in uncertainty- this is where the growth happens.
Compare your career plans as a first-year student with your career plans now. Why did your plans change or not change?
I came into Wake Forest a bright-eyed pre-med and only feel more confident as I leave this place that medicine is the career that I am called to. I have been lucky to have so many formative experiences within medicine that have strengthened my confidence that becoming a physician is the right path for me. One of the reasons that I feel so confident about this path is that I have explored others that did not turn out to be the right fit. Although I had a strong idea that I knew what I wanted to do, by ruling other things out I became even more confident in my decisions. Many of these experiences occurred at Wake Forest, through the guidance of my professors and close mentors.