Raegyn Conley

What is the most fundamental change you’ve experienced since your time as a first-year student?
This might sound a little cliche, but the most fundamental change that I’ve experienced being here at Wake Forest is in my study habits. My time management has gotten way better since coming here and that’s because coming to this prestigious of a school and being an athlete on top of that, you need to learn how to prioritize. It might have taken me a couple years, but I learned and I’m definitely a better student because of it!
What non-academic experience at Wake Forest was most meaningful to you?
I’m on the women’s basketball team here at Wake Forest and I would say that my experience on the basketball team was the most meaningful to me. That’s where I met my best friends and learned how to fight through adversity and the importance of knowing how to do that. I’ve been able to travel and see the world and meet so many great athletes throughout my four years here because of this team and I will be forever grateful.
What was your favorite class outside your major or minor areas of study and why did it appeal to you?
I took a First Year Seminar that was all about identity and finding your identity and that has definitely been my favorite class. I really loved all of the activities and assignments that we did. I did a lot of self-exploration in that class and it was very beneficial when it came to knowing who I was very early on in my college career. Freshman year is definitely a confusing time and a time of change and I feel like that class definitely helped make sense of all of that change and confusion and kind of reminded me of who I was and helped me to embrace that change. It was also really fun and the teachers were great and it was a breath of fresh air compared to my other classes.
Wake Forest has lots of traditions, and sometimes students create their own. Do you have a favorite Wake Forest tradition?
Being an athlete here, I really like the tradition of rolling the quad after a big win. I love the idea of celebrating athletes and teams when their hard work comes to fruition but I also like how it kind of includes the students and the fans in the win as well.
Now that you are a graduating student, what advice do you wish you could have given yourself as an incoming student four years ago?
Some advice I would have given myself four years ago is to get more involved in the everyday campus activities that are held. Being an athlete, it’s really hard because your time is kind of taken up during the season but during my sophomore and junior years, when my season was over, I found clubs that I became apart of enjoyed and met so many people because I decided to go to things I got invited to on campus. So, I would definitely tell freshman Raegyn to branch out.